Who else is going bananas during this Covid-19 stay at home order? I am losing my sense of time and days and it feels a little crazy… I am sure you can relate.
I try to go to the grocery store as little as possible of course to reduce any chances of getting it… and I’m trying to make groceries last as long as possible… So here’s another tip I found to keep your bananas around if you can’t eat them fast enough. I mean, I don’t want anything to go to waste these days.
So my bananas were ripe.. and I didn’t want them to get “over ripe” so I cut them in discs and froze them on a flat tray, once they were frozen I just dumped them in a ziplock bag and put them back in the freezer. They can be a sweet frozen treat or can be used to make banana bread or smoothies when the mood arises.

This is a great way to keep your bananas from going to waste!!! You could even dip these in chocolate and re-freeze for a YUMMY treat!! Again, freeze flat and then once frozen, pile into a ziplock! You’ll have a healthy treat anytime you need it!
Let me know what you think or if you try it! I’d love to hear!